Stream like a superstar
Available on App Store • Coming soon on Google Play
Stream to all popular platforms
Reach your audience on all mainstream platforms, including Twitch, YouTube, Facebook, and Mixer, or add your favourite ones
Share your screen
Benefit from super intuitive one-tap game streaming of your device screen. Capture it and start streaming!
Stream with camera
Create stunning content and amaze your community with real-life quality streams
The easiest streaming app ever
Check out StreamedApp ace features and turn your passion for streaming into something big!
Share camera or screen
Stream games, videos, traveling hacks and many more on the go
Stream to multiple top platforms at the same time: Twitch, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Periscope
Engage with your community from multiple platforms in one chat — as easy as never before
High Quality Video
Make your streams crisp and sexy with 1080p
Stream Delay
Don't give your opponents any advantage — delay you stream
Stream Saving
Save and replay your streams whenever you want
Start streaming from mobile
Stream from camera or share your screen to major streaming platforms